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Federal Register Notice of NCD Quarterly Meeting

Monday, January 28, 2019

*Editor’s Note: Due to the partial government shutdown impacting the National Archives (and the Federal Register), only documents that meet an exception to the Antideficiency Act are being accepted for publication. You can read more about this at To meet our obligation of publishing this information under the Sunshine Act, NCD is posting the following document that was submitted.


Sunshine Act Meetings

TIME AND DATES: The Members of the National Council on Disability (NCD) will hold a quarterly meeting on Monday, January 28, 2019, 1:00 PM – 4:45 PM and Tuesday, January 29, 2019, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Pacific Time, in Henderson, NV.

PLACE: This meeting will occur in Henderson, Nevada at The Westin Lake, 101 Montelago Boulevard, Henderson, Nevada 89011. Interested parties may join the meeting in person at the meeting location or may join by phone in a listening-only capacity (other than the period allotted for public comment noted below) using the following call-in information: Teleconference number: 1-877-260-1479; Conference ID: 9710767; Conference Title: NCD Meeting; Host Name: Neil Romano. Your attendance will provide an opportunity for you to talk with Presidential and Congressionally appointed council members and full time professional staff. Comments are important in bringing to our attention the issues in your community. Your input helps steer the direction of our recommendations to the President, Congress and other federal agencies. We hope you will join us both days to hear about the work of the Council and allow us to hear from you about the needs and successes in your community.

MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: The Council will receive agency updates on policy projects, finance, governance, and other business. Following agency updates, the Council will receive a presentation from the Nevada community on education opportunities and challenges, then the first of two town halls, providing an opportunity for council members to hear from individuals, businesses, providers, educators, parents and advocates in bringing attention to the issues in their community. Following unfinished business, the meeting will adjourn, to be followed by a public reception, providing attendees an opportunity to talk with Presidential and Congressionally appointed council members and full time professional staff from the National Council on Disability. Following the reception, an information session on Achieving A Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act takes place. The second day’s agenda includes the Nevada community sharing transportation opportunities and challenges, the Council responses, a presentation on findings and recommendations on Guardianship for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, a second Town Hall, and any unfinished business before adjourning.

AGENDA: The times provided below are approximations for when each agenda item is anticipated to be discussed (all times Pacific):


1:00 pm – 1:10 pm – Welcome and Introductions

​1:10 pm – 1:20 pm – Welcome from Nevada Representative

1:20 pm – 1:45 pm – Executive Reports 

1:45 pm – 3:00 pm – Nevada Community Shares Education Opportunities Challenges

3:00 pm – 3:45 pm – NCD Responds to the Nevada Community on National Education Challenges and Recommendations

3:45 pm – 4:00 pm – Break

4:00 pm – 4:45 pm – Town Hall - We want to hear from you!

4:45 pm – Adjourn

5:00 pm – 6:30pm – Reception

The honor of your attendance at the reception will provide an opportunity for you to talk with Presidential and Congressionally appointed council members and full time professional staff from the National Council on Disability.

6:30 pm – 7:30 pm – Achieving A Better Life Experience (ABLE) Information Session

There’s no limit to what people with disabilities can do. Now, that includes saving, too. Come and find out if you or a member of your family is eligible to participate in the ABLE program in Nevada. ABLE accounts allow individuals with disabilities the opportunity to save and invest money without losing eligibility for certain public benefits programs, like Medicaid, SSI or SSDI.  Earnings in ABLE accounts are not subject to federal income tax, so long as funds are spent on qualified disability expenses.  Deposits can be invested in different options chosen by the participant.  While participants can still withdraw and spend money as needed, an ABLE account also allows money to grow for when it is needed for disability expenses.


9:00 am – 9:10 am – Welcome and Introductions

9:10 am – 9:20 am – Welcome from Nevada Representative

9:20 am – 10:35 am – Nevada Community Shares Transportation Opportunities and Challenges

10:35 am – 11:15 am – NCD Responds to the Nevada Community on National Transportation Challenges and Recommendations

11:15 am – 11:30 am – Break      

11:30 am – 12:00 pm – NCD shares findings and recommendations on Guardianship for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

12:00 pm – 12:45 pm – Town Hall - We want to hear from you!

12:45 pm – 1:00 pm – Unfinished Business                 

 1:00 pm – Adjourn

PUBLIC COMMENT TOWN HALLS: Your participation during the Town Hall provides an opportunity for us to hear from you – individuals, businesses, providers, educators, parents and advocates. Your comments are important in bringing attention to the issues in your community. Priority will be given to in-person attendees. To better facilitate NCD’s public comment, any individual interested in providing public comment is asked to register their intent to provide comment in advance by sending an email to with the subject line “Public Comment” with your name, organization, state, and topic of comment included in the body of your email. Full-length written public comments may also be sent to that email address. All emails to register for public comment at the quarterly meeting must be received by Friday, January 25, 2019. Priority will be given to those individuals who are in-person to provide their comments during the public comment period. Those commenters on the phone will be called on per the list of those registered via email. Each person will be given 3 minutes to present comment. If you are presenting as a group and prefer to choose a spokesperson, your representative will be given 6 minutes to provide comment. To ensure your comments are accurately reflected and become part of the public record, submission prior to the meeting or immediately after to is requested.

CONTACT PERSON: Nick Sabula, NCD, 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20004; 202-272-2004 (V), 202-272-2074 (TTY).

ACCOMMODATIONS:  A CART streamtext link has been arranged for this meeting. The web link to access CART on both Monday, January 28, 2019 and Tuesday, January 29, 2019 is:  

Those who plan to attend the meeting in-person and require accommodations should notify NCD as soon as possible to allow time to make arrangements. To help reduce exposure to fragrances for those with multiple chemical sensitivities, NCD requests that all those attending the meeting in person refrain from wearing scented personal care products such as perfumes, hairsprays, and deodorants. Flash photography may occur during the meeting. Please alert staff if you are affected by photo sensitivity.

An official website of the National Council on Disability