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2021 NCD Report on Implementation of the Tribal Consultation Coordination

Saturday, October 23, 2021

2021 NCD Report on Implementation of the Tribal Consultation Coordination (TCC) Annual Progress Report: National Council on Disability (January 2021-October 23, 2021)

Report Date: October 23, 2021


The National Council on Disability (NCD) provides this annual report and transmittal letter to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), pursuant to Executive Order 13175 (November 6, 2000).1 “Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments (EO 13175). In the current report NCD discusses the outreach efforts, actions, and observations of agency progress during this reporting period. NCD expresses appreciation to the National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) for their time and effort during this reporting period. An overall goal for NCD is to support national awareness-raising about some of the unique and unmet needs of tribal people with disabilities. Under EO 13175, opportunities for discovery and improvement associated with the work holds valuable lessons as the changing U.S. national demographics encourage federal entities to address an array of diversity matters affecting the disability community and beyond.


NICOA is a nonprofit organization founded in 1976 by members of the National Tribal Chairman’s Association.2 NICOA’s mission is to advocate for improved comprehensive health, social services, and economic well-being for American Indian and Alaska Native elders. NICOA has been our primary contact for tribal outreach. NCD’s implementation of the agency’s TCC plan aligns with NCD’s 2022-2027 strategic plan. Between January and October 2021, NCD carried out as planned to: (1) collaborate with NICOA to update NCD’s 2003 report Understanding Disabilities in American Indian /Alaska Native Communities: Toolkit Guide(Toolkit); (2) advance opportunities for communication and outreach efforts that include and draw attention to the issues affecting the lives of AI/AN people with disabilities and federal initiatives.

During 2021, NCD (1) sought tribal input by entering into an MOU with NICOA to collaborate with NCD for an extensive update of NCD’s 2003 Understanding Disabilities in American Indian/Alaska Native Communities: Toolkit Guide.3 (2) Required contractors to incorporate the impact the increased occurrence of extreme weather and environmental injustice in NCD’s 2022 progress report has on AI/AN communities. (3)  Included in NCD’s 2022-2027 strategic plan objectives to develop recommendations to address the concerns and issues uniquely associated with people with disabilities within tribal communities by: gathering information from subject matter experts and members of the disability community locally and nationally; and to deliberate and purposeful outreach to disability communities within tribal communities. And (4) addressed the impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on Native American students with disabilities in NCD’s 2021 Progress Report (to be released October 29, 2021).

Future Considerations:

Looking toward the future, NCD calls attention to resolving unmet needs, with the help of TCC members, NCD can revisit information gathered in 2021-2022 which has pinpointed needs and offer suggestions related to disability policy issues. The plan can include further exploration and determination about concrete actions that might be effective in addressing the findings from NCD’s 2021 and 2022 Progress Reports. As well as the ability to address program, funding and services gaps found while updating the Toolkit. NCD welcomes the opportunity to partner with additional tribal organizations in the future.



2 National Indian Coalition on Aging,, accessed October 21, 2021

3 National Council on Disability, Understanding Disabilities in American Indian/Alaska Native Communities: Toolkit Guide,…, accessed October 20, 2021

An official website of the National Council on Disability